Company Radar is a proximity search engine for Companies House Data. It displays a Google map of your position and companies in the immediate area
Using Company Radar you can quickly find companies relative to your current location.
When you move the map around the radar looks up more company locations based on the center of the map.
Tip: If you haven't already done so, why not add the radar to your mobile device as a home screen shortcut?
The green marker shows your position.
A red marker indicates one company located at that position. Click on a red marker and go directly to the company's profile page for in depth informaiton.
A blue marker indicates multiple companies at that position. Click on a blue marker and go to the address profile page to see which companies are registered at that address.
From the address profile page you can get in depth information about each company registered at the address.
It's taken this website about 6 months during 2015 to geocode all company addresses in the official dataset. A large portion of the geocoding was done using a raspberry pi.
The idea is simple:
Disclaimer: E&OE - To the best of my knowledge the information on this page is correct but I will not be held responsible if an error has been committed. © 2015-2025 by Dan Eskildsen, Exec IT
Data source: Companies House provided under the Open Government License.
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Font generated by under CC BY. Author: Freepik.